Television can teach one so many things...
After watching the show I became more aware of the issue of race and started paying closer attention especially to the media. One does realize that it is mostly white people that are on television, and that white is portrayed as better most of the times.
When I moved in to my home in Jerusalem, I got sick, so for a few days I stayed home and I watched a ton of television. This ad caught my attention. It's for a face lotion called "Fair and Lovely". It's supposed to help with dark spots or something, but the before and after picture shows a brownish woman at first and a white woman in the after picture (and without the dark spots). The ad is in Arabic and I don't really understand the vocab relating to dark spots or pimples, but I thought it might just be a tactic to get people to buy that cream.
Last weekend, when I went to my roommate's village, we went to visit one of her numerous aunts. She's, I think, one of the most beautiful women I've seen in my life. I told Maram (my roommate), and she said she agreed with me. She said "even though she's dark, she's beautiful". I was shocked by her comment and said "what? did you say even though she's dark?". She then proceeded to tell me that fair skin is preferred in the Arab society, and that fair-skinned women are considered more beautiful. I was surprised she answered like that. What was more surprising was that she said it in front of her aunt, who agreed with Maram's statement.
Today, I was watching tv with my roommate Areej as we ate dinner, and that same "Fair and Lovely" ad came on. I decided to ask her about it. She said the same thing, and even added that from her sisters, it was easier for the ones with fairer skin to get married.
I guess the media's message that white is better has had an impact all over the world...unfortunately
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