Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

Upon my arrival in Tel Aviv, I was advised to take the "nesher", which is like a mini-van/taxi. My trip to the hostel was quite interesting. I sat next to this American girl who was pretty intense. Her first question to me after introducing ourselves was: "are you a believer?". I was confused by what she meant; a believer in what? God? which one? So I told her I'm a Christian. She almost had a heart attack she was so excited. She started telling me about the Church she goes to, and...sounded intense.

She wouldn't stop talking to me in a tone that was pretty relaxed and kept on smiling and closing her eyes; almost looked like she was high. When she wasn't talking, she stared out the window and sang songs pretty passionately (closing her eyes and all). She told me about how she felt it in her that she needed to be back in Jerusalem and that it felt SO amazing to be back.

When she found out I was looking for an apartment, she suggested we live together...I made no comments, just smiled and kind of looked the other way.

I finally made it to Jerusalem after about an hour ride. I was dropped off at the Jaffa Gate and had no idea of where to go, so I called the Lutheran Guest House, where my mom made a reservation (thanks, mom!). I had two huge suitcases, a backpack and a handbag. I was right in the middle of the old city, with my rolley bags...not that great of an idea. Then this very nice Australian man helped me out. He took me down the stairs and up the stairs until I finally arrived!

The guest house is super nice and the people here are very welcoming! What a great place to be!

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