Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lost in cultural translation

My roommate, Maram, invited me last Sunday to go home with her and meet her family. She's from an Arab village in the north called Arara. I thought it was super nice of her to invite me and I was really looking forward to the experience. Before it all began, we had some drama go down. Oh, yes, small town drama happening even before we left!

Last Tuesday was the day of the Prophet, and we had the day off at school. Since Maram doesn't work on Wednesdays, she took decided to go home on Monday afternoon until Thursday morning. Then on Thursday after work (she's done at 3:20pm) her and I would take the bus to go to her village. That was the plan.

Maram left, and I spent the next few days with Areej and Mai. They were also planning on going home for the weekend (which was mainly the reason why Maram offered me to go with her- so I wouldn't stay home alone). When Mai found out I was going to Arara, she offered to drive me at 1:30pm, which is when she was leaving. My schedule is pretty flexible, and on Thursdays, I can do my work wherever I want after 1pm (as long as I work the number of hours I'm supposed to). I told her that sounded like a good idea, as long as Maram was ok with it- I also didn't want Maram going by herself. I thought Mai had talked to her, so I arranged to leave school at 1pm with Areej and catch a ride with Mai from home at 1:30pm.

On Thursday morning I went on a field trip with the kids to the Israel museum- pretty cool. Me and the kids were waiting outside for the bus, when I saw Maram arrive to school. She told me her mom had been preparing for my arrival, and that everyone was really excited to meet me. I was really happy to hear that. Before leaving she asked, today at 3:20pm, right? I told her that Mai had offered to give me a ride at 1:30pm, and I thought she knew. Maram was really upset and confused, but she really had to go, so we agreed to talk when I got back from the museum.

When I arrived back to school, I saw Areej in the teachers' lounge and she told me Maram was mad at Mai for having offered to give me a ride. It didn't seem like Maram having to go by herself was the issue, but Mai's offer to drive me. I didn't really understand what the big deal was, so I asked Areej. Areej, my cultural translator, I helped me understand a bit better what the situation was; in Arab society and culture, it is rude to have a guest and not offer them food (I was about to experience that for real). Maram was worried that if I arrived at Mai's house, I was going to be fed, and then I wouldn't be hungry for the meal her mom was preparing me.

I hadn't realized how big of a problem accepting Mai's offer was until that point. I asked Areej how I could fix the situation. She said she would talk to both of them again and arrange for me to go with Maram. In the end, Maram's cousin ended up picking us up and driving us to Arara. End of the drama, for now.

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